Kenilworth, Sunshine Coast Hinterland

TOUR 1: Tamlyn Road Kenilworth
Drive to the corner of Tamlyn Road and Walli Mountain Road, Kenilworth and park anywhere along the side of the road. Walk South East along Tamlyn Road (away from Walli Mountain Rd) and towards the Walli State Forest. This is a dirt road and has very few houses along it, so cars are highly infrequent. Providing your pooch comes when called…. I think it would be quite safe to let the fur babies frolic off leach. The road starts flat, becomes a little hilly and then seriously steep as you enter the forest. The scenery is quite spectacular featuring rolling green hills and subsequently pine forest.
If you prefer a flatter route, walking along the side of Walli Mountain Road, heading west is also very pleasant, though this is a bitumen road, and I would recommend keeping the dogs on a lead. Cars are still infrequent, but they do hurtle at around 80kph along Walli Mountain Road, every hour or so. This route has beautiful green river flat, dairy farms and passes very close to the Mary River, where you an even stop off for a swim.

TOUR 2: Behind the Police Station – Kenilworth River Park
Drive to Kenilworth Village, travel down the main street and turn LEFT into Charles Street, and past the police station. Continue to the end of the road, towards the river and park. Keep your dogs on a lead and you can walk down to the river and onto the sandy beaches, enjoy a swim, wade or walk parallel to the river, towards the show grounds…. and it is all well removed from the road. The Council keep it quite nicely mowed, and there is some interesting signage by Council where you can read about some of the native turtles and fish of the Mary River.

TOUR 3: Sam Kelly Road
Drive from River Oaks up Eumundi-Kenilworth Road towards Eumundi… just about 2 km and turn right into Sam Kelly Road. This is also a dirt road and you can park anywhere along the side here and walk up Sam Kelly road (very few cars and beautiful scenery). Walk towards the mountain…. Mapleton is at the top of the hill and the hiking trails lead all the way to Mapleton and beyond. Once you reach the beginning of the forest…. the location becomes national park, and “technically”…. no dogs allowed. Should you choose to continue, follow the hiking trail signs across the creek… crossing on the big log is kind of fun, or you can wade through the shallow Gheerulla Creek. This walk then ambles along Gheerulla Creek and you can go a short way or a long way.

Followed by a bite or drink in town
Many of the local business are supportive of pets, though they may require you to keep your pooch away from food areas… this is the case at the Cheese Factory. Dogs are welcome at the pub and on the pavement dining at the Bakery. There is room to tether your pooch on the pavement or in the garden at McGinns. The Mapleton Hotel at the time of writing does not welcome dogs even in the beer garden.
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